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BBGH board meeting held Dec. 22

The last board meeting of 2018 for Box Butte General Hospital took place Friday December 22. Some topics discussed included quality management and safety projects, strategy focus goals, and the hospital’s recent HCAHPS scores.

According to BBGH Chief Quality Officer Mary Mockerman, the Joint Commission has been focusing on the process of providers receiving results and following up with patients. BBGH’s last surveyor took the critical result process away as a best practice. Now that everyone has a critical result process in place, BBGH is focusing more on non-critical results. “For example, who’s calling the patient and telling them that their strep test is negative? That’s what we’re concentrating our efforts on now.” Mockerman said.

Regarding strategy focus goals, Chief Nursing Officer Carolyn Jones reported on objectives to fulfill the strategic initiative to strengthen quality and service excellence to enhance the patient experience. “A core team and other small teams are working on this. Our focus aligns well with The Institute of Medicine’s 8 Principles of Patient Centered Care.” Jones said. The initiatives include:

  1. Access to care
  2. Continuity Through Care Transitions
  3. Physical Comfort
  4. Respect for Preferences
  5. Including Family and Friends
  6. Coordinated Care
  7. Emotional Support
  8. Information and Education Module

CEO Lori Mazanec recapped the hospital’s HCAHPS scores from November, which were all green. She stated that according to the survey, every single person who participated marked “Always” in the Nurses Treat (patients) With Courtesy/Respect category. Mazanec stated that in the most recent report, BBGH scored in 90th percentile in many categories. “These scores compliment what we’re working on with our strategy focus and quality management, and while we have a few areas we are still focusing on, the things we’re doing are only going to highlight and bring those scores up.” Mazanec said.

The board entered into executive session at 12:51pm to discuss personnel matters with the only action taken when they re-convened in open session at 1:17pm being the unanimous approval of a one year contract renewal for the CEO with proposed salary increase. The session adjourned at 1:21p.m. The next board meeting will be January 28, 2019 at 6:30pm. The public is invited to attend.

Box Butte General Hospital is an equal opportunity provider and employer.