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The Rehab Team Receives the Honorary A-Club Member Award

Box Butte General Hospital would like to call attention to the team of therapists at The Rehab & Wellness Center. In May the team was awarded the Honorary A-Club Member Award by Alliance High School. This award is a tremendous honor and recognizes the dedication the therapists have to serve the youth. Activities Director Anita James shared the award speech she read:

"Each year we recognize an individual or individuals who have gone out of his or her way to help make our athletic events the best in the state.  Past honorees have played a part in supporting Bulldog Athletics in a variety of ways;  coaching, driving bus, scheduling ticket takers, making the gym floor shine, creating a vibrant atmosphere with music and cheer, and much, much more. It is these individuals that make an administrator’s job a little easier, events run a little smoother, and bolsters enthusiasm allowing our athletes to shine even more. Tonight I have the pleasure of giving the honorary A club member award to a group of individuals who spend countless hours with our student athletes, on and off the field. These individuals treat our students when they are injured, they help with injury prevention, they help deal with the mental and emotional side of our students being injured, they educate our coaches, they cheer our kids on just like everyone else, and much much more. They are a crucial part of alliance bulldog athletics and I don’t know what we would do without them!" 


Thank you, Rehab & Wellness Center team for making great things happen at Box Butte General Hospital and beyond!