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The BBGH Traveling Trophy goes to...

Congratulations to this month's Traveling Trophy recipients, the Multispecialty Clinic team! The Wound Care team passed the trophy along to Multispecialty Clinic saying:

"When Erin and I received the Traveling Trophy, Keisha Sanchez, and the other wonderful women and man in Purchasing, read to the assembled group the most touching description of the kindness they believe we show to our patients. In fact, we were in a difficult place in our work lives with many frustrating situations where we would reach out for help with patients and receive ‘blessings’ instead of the direct assistance we were requesting. 'Looks great! Just keep doing what you’re doing' was and is the most common response we would get. To say that Keisha’s presentation brought tears to my eyes does not really convey the incredible gratitude I felt just listening to her recognition of our efforts. I have, since that day, thought many times how the simple act of recognition of the care we strive to provide every day made a painfully difficult time somehow more tolerable and even meaningful.

'The power of meaningful recognition comes from both the content and delivery of this type of feedback, which encompasses authentically describing how one's actions impacted another in a way that is relevant to the recipient and situation. In other words, meaningful recognition involves genuinely acknowledging what a person did and how their actions made a difference in the lives of others' (Lefton, 2014).

Today we meet to celebrate the very real kindness and support offered by Ashley Peterson and Danica Breen from their perch in Multispecialty Clinic. Certainly, they need to hear how their actions made and make a difference in the lives of coworkers – especially the two coworkers in Wound Care.  Indeed, their kindness most certainly provides us with the courage to go on facing the ever-present reminders of the, often painful, humility of attempting to care for others who are struggling.

'Unexpected acts of kindness can happen anywhere,

including the workplace. Consider a coworker who helps

you with that important task so that you can meet the

deadline. Consider another coworker who helps you

resolve a customer’s complicated problem. And, consider

yet another coworker who becomes your unofficial mentor

and helps guide your career in the right direction. These

unexpected occurrences bring both joy and gratitude to our

jobs and work life. As such, they can help, nourish, and

sustain us through difficult and trying times' (Froman, 2010, p. 61).

Indeed, when we reach out from Wound Care for assistance, we often need it from specialists that visit Multispecialty Clinic. Ashley fearlessly agrees to help pass our message along to these important resources. She has welcomed Danica into this often-difficult task by modeling unwavering gentleness and willingness to coordinate necessary care for patients. While helping to care for patients, Ashley cares for coworkers. Her sincere expression of concern and recognition of the complexities of patient care when help is delayed or not found is genuinely healing. I have more than once felt comforted by Ashley’s recognition of the frustration inherent to caring for the ill or injured who need advanced services and her willingness to help. She deserves this recognition and the grateful thanks of this organization for modeling the very ideals of a caring nurse and caring coworker.  “I‘m so sorry”, said gently and sincerely by Ashley, reminds me that none of us are in the difficult spot of caring for others alone. Indeed, as long as we have caring coworkers who are willing to help and cross the divide by recognizing our frustration we realize that we are not alone. That in itself is healing."

Froman, L. (2010) Positive psychology in the workplace. Journal of Adult Development, 17, 59-69.

Lefton, Cindy. (2014).  Beyond thank you: the powerful reach of meaningful recognition.

American Nurse Today (Vol. 9, Issue 6).  Healthcom Media.