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The Traveling Trophy Goes to...

Congratulations to this month's Traveling Trophy recipient's, the EVS Team! The Maintenance department passed along the trophy saying:

"Today we want to award a very special group of people for their hard work and dedication to making BBGH a better place for not only the patients but the staff too. They come in before most and leave after most. They can be easily overlooked but without them this place would not run. This department plays such a vital role in day-to-day operations and patient satisfaction. We appreciate all of their hard work to keep us safe and areas clean. We would like to give EVS the honor of the Traveling Trophy. We feel that they deserve recognition for everything they do behind the scenes. You always see smiles when you encounter them around the hospital. They go above and beyond to help with joint department tasks. They are always accommodating when we ask them for help, even though we create the mess. They have faced a lot of adversity, but to overcome and produce such a great result is admirable. Thank you, Environmental Services, for all that you do, not only for Plant Services, but for BBGH as a whole."