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April Employee of the Month

Congratulations to our April Employee of the Month, Auditor Alice Dubs! You can read her nomination below:

"Alice always takes on whatever work is needing done to keep the charts correct and bills moving. There have been many times that she is the only Auditor and no matter what she always gets the work done even with her already busy life outside of work. Many times, she has worked above and beyond her hours when there is no one else to do the work. Her wealth of knowledge is such an asset to our department and anyone new that she trains. With Alice no question is every looked passed, if she doesn’t know the answer, she is always willing to do the work to help figure it out. The switch over to Meditech has been a big change but Alice is always a great help in figuring out what needs added or changed to get the correct charges to drop when needed, making sure that we are not missing any essential charges. She is also just an all-around great person to work with, sharing whatever knowledge or insight she can give with a kind heart and a bright smile.”